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Music Style: Synthwave music, Dark Synth music, New Retro Wave music Homeland: Paris, France Album Year: 2012-2018 Album Type: WEB Album Files Format: MP3 and FLAC tracks Tracks Bitrate: MP3 320kbps CBR and FLAC Lossless Music Playing Time: 14:04:40 A former black metal guitarist who switched to dark synthwave, James Kent aka Perturbator got his genre-free attitude toward music from his parents, one of them being rock critic Nick Kent. He was given a Pantera album at the age of three, and a guitar at the age of 11. After learning Tool and Slayer riffs on the guitar, he began writing his own music, but Mom and Dad’s synth collection was also calling, and the younger Kent took to the keyboards with both metal and cyberpunk attitudes. He debuted his sound with the 2012 EP Night Driving Avenger while two albums, Terror 404 and I Am the Night, arrived that same year.

Chiar zilele trecute discutam cu totii intr-o pauza – ce ne impinge in afara: cu totii am ajuns la o concluzie – ceia ce ne face sa plecam este: 1.atitudinea angajatorului, care ne priveste drept ROBI ( te incarca cu diverse sarcini administrative pe care, in mod normal ar trebui sa le faca el – ma intreb atunci ce face angajatorul, si nu am gasit nici un raspuns), iar cand incerci sa-i spui angajatorului i-ti arata „codul munci” si-ti spune „daca nu-ti place – pleaca, eu sunt cel ce angajeaza si da ordine”. Model demisie cu preaviz 2018. Drept exempu: eu am facut in afara rezidentiatul la ATI ( stit bine ca acesti specialisti nu ne ajung catastrofal), trebuie sa fac aici doar diferenta de 2 ani pentru a obtine diplona romaneasca, eram de acord sa fac aceasta diverenta prin taxa(si bani grei costa), tot odata sa continui serviciu in urgenta – moment care noul cod al muncii i-mi permite. In concluzie nu are nevoie de specialisti, iar eu pentru a-mi continua studiile trebiue sa demisionez (si credeti-ma pentru mine studiile sunt pe prim plan)al 2.Atitudinea populatiei care, desi facem mult mai mult decat e in atributiunile urgentei – oarecum ne injura, deseori si ne agreseaza. Dar cine ne apara atunci? Ministerul sanatatii si UMF a acceptat aceasta varianta, trebuia si acordul angajatorului, dar cum crede-ti angajatorul (fara a-si motiva decizia) m-a refuzat.