Casio FX-991EX Calculator Batteries Batteries Plus Bulbs has calculator batteries for any situation, whether it’s for a math class, office work, or just odd calculations around the house. Our batteries will keep your Casio FX-991EX calculator running so you can focus on solving difficult equations.
School Math and Science Division Chair at Lyons Township High School LaGrange Illinois (USA) Name Ismael Zamora Comment I love the simplicity of the Casio fx-991EX (ClassWiz). The use of a natural textbook display and high resolution screen allows me to present mathematics the way students see mathematics in their textbooks. The ClassWiz also allows me to teach concepts I never could before. Statistics, data analysis, probability and spreadsheets are all now within the realm of possibility. My favorite feature is the QR Code generator. I now have the power of a graphing calculator in the hands of every student.
The ClassWiz allows me to focus on the learning and not the button pushing.